机会从这里开始! The start of the school year is a time of fresh beginnings and renewed energy. From our youngest scholars to the senior class, 我们的目标是帮助所有学生在他们感到安全的学习空间中探索他们的可能性, seen, and heard.
School leaders, teachers, and staff are busily preparing to welcome students back to school on 星期三,9月. 4.
- 1 -12年级的学生 星期三,9月. 4
- 学前班及幼稚园学生 Monday, Sept. 9
The first day of school is not an early release Wednesday. Early release will occur every Wednesday except for the first week of school.
Find all school year dates, school day start and end times, and more!Laptop Distribution and Device Policy Updates
支持课堂学习, testing, 以及远程学习的可能性, 每个学生都将获得一个SPS设备. 我们很高兴地宣布, once again, SPS今年不会对学生设备的维修收取前期费用.
从今年开始, only SPS-provided devices will be allowed in the classroom. Personal devices may still be used outside of classroom learning.
If you still have a hotspot from the previous school year or from summer school, 这些热点将很快被禁用. 阅读更多关于 SPS student devices for the new school year.
家庭可以使用SchoolPay 在线支付体育费用, pay fines, and make purchases such as yearbooks or ASB cards. 登录到您的Source帐户 登入学生的SchoolPay帐户.
SchoolPay交易费用: 从8月4日开始. SPS将对所有通过SchoolPay支付的款项征收交易费. This fee helps offset the costs of providing this simple online payment service. 了解有关此更改的更多信息.
高中体育:本学年, SPS正在为高中体育引入一项新的自愿收费,以帮助弥补交通和官员等不断上涨的成本.
The voluntary fee is $200 per student per sport, with a maximum of $400 per year for multi-sport participation. Students can still participate in sports even if families choose not to pay. 了解更多有关 new voluntary athletic fees for high school sports.
Ensure a healthy start to the school year by reviewing the district’s health services reminders for the start of school. If your student has a life-threatening health condition (e.g., Diabetes, Asthma), they must have medication and healthcare orders on file.
如果你收到一封来自卫生服务部门的关于你的学生在学校需要接种疫苗的信, please make sure they receive the immunization. 阅读更多关于 学生需要接种疫苗.
Student Meals
学校每天为学生提供营养均衡的早餐和午餐! 我们很高兴地宣布2024-25学年校餐计划的几项更新!
New Tools: This year, 我们将推出MySchoolApps, an easy online application for free and reduced meals, 和MySchoolBucks, a convenient platform for paying for school meals online. MealViewer为家庭提供了方便的学校菜单和营养信息. 阅读更多关于 school meals for students and each of these new tools.
SPS is committed to enhancing safety and well-being in our schools. 作为承诺的一部分, 我们正在扩大伙伴关系,以防止暴力,并继续提供重要的卫生服务.
保护学生的安全需要我们所有人——学生、家庭、教职员工和社区合作伙伴. 这里有一些提醒,将有助于确保新学年有一个安全的开始:
- 保持您的联系信息更新,以便通过电话、电子邮件和文本接收紧急通知. 从9月开始,你可以在学生数据验证表上更新你的紧急联系人.
- 通过安全学校热线(206-252-0510)或“365体育备用网站”应用程序报告任何安全问题.
- All school visitors and volunteers should check in at the front office.
阅读更多关于 safety and wellness updates for this school year.
请按下列部分浏览学区提供的一般返校资料. Additionally, please check with your student’s school for specific information.